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The Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ) is a leading research institution in the area of science & technology as well as service & transfer of crystalline materials. Our goal is to enable solutions for urgent societal challenges (e.g. communication, artificial intelligence, climate protection, health etc.) by modern electronic & photonic technologies. The work covers the full spectrum from basic over applied research up to pre-industrial development and is performed in collaboration with national and international partners from university, academy and industry. The institute is part of Forschungsverbund Berlin ( and a member of the Leibniz Association You can find more details on the institute webpage: 

We are offering a position as a

Junior Research Group Leader (m/f/d)
In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy”

IKZ has excellent expertise and facilities for the in-situ characterization of semiconductors and oxides, among them an aberration corrected TEM/STEM, equipped with a fast camera, a 4DSTEM detector, two in-situ TEM-holders that permit experiments at atmospheric pressure and under biasing, both up to high temperatures. Besides this a dual beam with micromanipulators, EDX, EBSD, WDS and a high resolution SEM with STEM detector and CL are available. In the framework of a project of the European Funds for Regional Development we will build an Application Lab for in-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy that includes a new probe corrected (S)TEM operating between 30 and 300keV equipped with EDX and EELS and a 4DSTEM detector as well as a new PlasmaFIB (Xe,Ar,O,N) for sample preparation.

We are seeking for a postdoctoral scientist who builds up a junior research group in the field of in-situ transmission electron microscopy. The junior research group will focus on crystalline materials and be embedded in the excellent activities at IKZ and its academic and industrial partners that cover Oxides, III-Nitrides, Fluorides and SiGe heterostructures for quantum computing. IKZ is part of FAIRmat, a project within the National Data Infrastructure Initiative of the German Research Foundation that provides the data infrastructure for experimental and computational materials science.

Work topics
- Development of in-situ techniques
- Phase formation and phase transitions in oxides
- In-operando studies of semiconductor devices
- Defect processes in oxides and semiconductors
- Acquiring third party funds
- Supervising PhD students 
- Processing commissioned work from industry partners 

Material growth is done at IKZ and partner institutes PDI and HZB. A close collaboration in the field of ab-initio theory with the solid state theory groups at Humboldt University and Fritz-Haber-Institut is well established. IKZ is working close with leading industries in the field of semiconductors. 

- PhD in physics, crystallography, materials science or a related discipline with a strong experimental
- Excellent knowledge of transmission electron microscopy, basic physics and solid-state physics
- Experimental skills as well as communication skills and the assertiveness to work in a highly motivated
  team of researchers and technicians
- Experience in raising third party funds

For information about the position contact: Dr. Martin Albrecht:,
+49 30 6392-3094.

The position is available as soon as possible and its duration is limited to two years. An extension for further three years is planned in case of successful acquisition of third-party funding. Payment is according to TVöD (Treaty for German public service). IKZ is an equal opportunity employer. Therefore, female candidates are encouraged to apply and will be preferred in case of adequate qualification. Among equally qualified applicants preference will be given to disabled candidates.                    

Have we aroused your interest?  

Then apply with a letter of motivation, curriculum vitae and all relevant certificates. To do so, please go to Job offers/jobs on our homepage and click on this advertisement and then on "Apply online". Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

We look forward to receiving your application!