The Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth (IKZ) is a leading research institution in the field of science & technology as well as service & transfer of crystalline materials. Our goal is to enable solutions for pressing societal challenges (e.g. communication, artificial intelligence, climate protection, health, etc.) through modern electronic & photonic technologies. The work covers the entire spectrum from basic and applied research to pre-industrial development and is carried out in cooperation with national and international partners from universities, academies and industry. The institute is part of the Forschungsverbund Berlin ( and a member of the Leibniz Association (
The Leibniz-Institut für Kritallzüchtung currently looking for a
Master student (m/f/d)
for the master thesis topic:
“Time-Domain THz Spectroscopy on Ferroelectric Thin Films”
Time-Domain THz Spectroscopy is a powerful tool to measure the dielectric function of materials. In our setup, we employ femtosecond laser pulses and nonlinear optical techniques to generate radiation in the spectral range between 1-10 THz (1012 Hz). For the detection of the THz radiation, we also use femtosecond lasers and nonlinear optics. This enables us to measure the electric field directly in Amplitude and Phase.
In this thesis you will perform temperature and time dependent spectroscopic measurements of thin ferroelectric films. Our aim is to understand the formation of ferroelectric polarization in different structural phases and across phase transitions. The master thesis will be conducted at the IKZ-DESY JointLab at the DESY campus in Hamburg-Bahrenfeld.
Good to have:
- Experience with ultrashort lasers and optical equipment.
- Knowledge of solid-state physics, especially phonons.
- Programming skills (preferably C and Python).
For information about the project please contact: Dr. Peter Gaal (
Have we aroused your interest?
Then apply with a letter of motivation, curriculum vitae and all relevant certificates. To do so, please go to Job offers/jobs on our homepage and click on this advertisement and then on "Apply online". Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
We look forward to receiving your application!