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The Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ) is a leading research institution in the field of science & technology as well as service & transfer of crystalline materials. Our goal is to enable solutions for pressing societal challenges (e.g. communication, artificial intelligence, climate protection, health, etc.) through modern electronic & photonic technologies. The work covers the entire spectrum from basic and applied research to pre-industrial development and is carried out in cooperation with national and international partners from universities, academies and industry. The institute is part of the Forschungsverbund Berlin ( and a member of the Leibniz Association ( You can find more details on the institute webpage: 

The Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung is currently offering a position as 

Postdoctoral Researcher (f/m/d)

for the topic

“2D and 3D defect imaging of defects and defect evolution in classical and ultra-wide bandgap bulk semiconductors”.

The microscopic mechanisms of plastic deformation in crystalline solids are fundamentally linked to the nucleation and propagation of dislocations. This plays a pivotal role in bulk crystal growth from melt or vapor phase, which takes place at high temperatures, where the mechanical properties of materials substantially change and temperature gradients inevitably lead to internal mechanical stresses in the crystals. Therefore, the three-dimensional defect distribution inside a crystal can give insights into mechanisms of plastic deformation, such as the nucleation, inheritance, motion and reaction of dislocations; as well as into the governing stress distribution during crystal growth at high temperatures. To establish the fundamental link between defect distribution and the growth conditions, the properties and line shape of dislocations need to be quantified. X‑ray diffraction imaging techniques, such as X‑ray topography, are most suitable for a quantitative defect analysis in bulk crystal.

The goals and tasks of this employment are:

  • The use state-of-the-art, synchrotron-based X‑ray diffraction imaging techniques to characterize the distribution of structural defects in semiconductor crystals such as Ga2O3, AlN, Ge, etc.
  • Interpretation of the results with regard to the growth conditions.
  • Further methodical developments to advance the 3D imaging capabilities.
  • Dissemination of the results in scientific media.
  • Acquisition of third-party funding.

Requirements of the candidate:

  • PhD degree in physics, materials science, or in a related discipline.
  • Good knowledge in crystallography and lattice defects.
  • Experience in the use of synchrotron radiation for X‑ray diffraction measurements.
  • Good knowledge of programming in ideally in Python, Matlab or C.
  • Ability to independently develop and conduct research projects.
  • Fluency in English. A basic knowledge of German is beneficial.
  • The candidate is requested to perform experiments at the synchrotron radiations sources KARA (Karlsruhe) or PETRA-III (Hamburg).

What we offer

The position is limited to one year. Payment is according to TVöD Bund (Collective agreement for the public sector) including the usual social benefits (30 vacation days in a 5-day week, flexible working hours). The job location can be Berlin or Karlsruhe. The Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung actively promotes the development of young scientists and follows the PostDoc guidelines of the Leibniz Association.

The Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung actively supports a healthy work-life balance and is an equal opportunities employer. Female candidates are encouraged to apply and will be given preference if suitably qualified. Among equally qualified candidates, preference will be given to candidates with disabilities. IKZ promotes diversity. We welcome every qualified application, regardless of age, belief, disabilities, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation.

For information about the project please contact:
Dr. Carsten Richter, Tel. +49 30 246499 516,

Are you interested?
Then apply with a letter of motivation, curriculum vitae and all relevant certificates. To do so, please go to Job offers/jobs on our homepage and click on this advertisement and then on "Apply online". Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. 

We look forward to receiving your application!